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Gospel Fueled Co-parenting

It was a hot Florida autumn evening and the sprinkler was on full force, watering some new plants in a front lawn bed and by default, cooling off a one year old, three year old and eight year old.  They splashed and ran and giggled up a storm but then my daughter paused mid-twirl under a spurt of water. "Mama, we should take a video of this and send it to her daddy.  I bet he'd love that." Yes.  Yes he would, I thought. I bet it would fuel his evening. Aren't those moments when you see that your kids get the gospel at work in foster care absolutely amazing?  I had one of those "thank you, Jesus" moments as I heard my daughter's words pour out and agreed with her. It could be so simple to keep this beautiful moment on a Thursday evening all to ourselves and the privacy of our family.  It would be easy to think we're already doing enough, raising someone else's child, dealing with the poop, sleepless nights and effects of traum

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